Joseph M.

Joseph M.

Joseph Malabuyoc

Software Developer

A pragmatic, results-oriented software developer with over ten years of experience. Key strengths include critical thinking, problem-solving, and adaptability.

Committed to creating well-designed, efficient applications through collaboration and understanding customers’ needs.


Ruby on Rails
Javascript / React / Stimulus
CSS / Tailwind
Test Driven Development
Analysis & Design
Agile Practices
React Native
PHP / WordPress

Work Experience

Senior Full Stack Developer

Stamped Technologies., QC

2023 - Present
  • Revamped and expanded functionality within a monolithic application by introducing innovative features and optimizing both backend and UI code
  • Enhanced cross-team collaboration and customer service effectiveness by creating and refining tools to streamline workflows
  • Ensured code quality by implementing a rigorous testing regimen and conducting regular code reviews, resulting in the delivery of robust and reliable solutions
  • Contributed to team growth and knowledge-sharing by actively mentoring colleagues and facilitating collaborative learning through pair programming sessions
  • Stack: Rails, Hotwire Turbo, Stimulus, TailwindCSS, RSpec

Senior Software Developer

Kickbooster Inc., Winnipeg, MB

2020 - 2022
  • Engineered and sustained features within a well-established Ruby on Rails application, demonstrating a commitment to ongoing enhancement and reliability.
  • Collaborated closely with project managers and designers to align development efforts with planned features, ensuring a seamless integration of functionality.
  • Maintained a high standard of code quality by consistently writing tests and conducting thorough code reviews, contributing to the overall robustness of the codebase.
  • Provided guidance and support to fellow developers through proactive pair programming sessions, fostering a collaborative and skill-sharing environment.
  • Actively participated in website monitoring and on-call duty, contributing to the team’s commitment to reliability and responsiveness.
  • Elevated both customer and developer experiences by introducing cutting-edge tools and sharing valuable insights with the team.
  • Achieved sales targets by delivering enhanced features that not only met but exceeded customer expectations.
  • Stack: Rails, React, TailwindCSS, Stimulus, StimulusReflex, RSpec

Software Developer

Tactica Interactive, Winnipeg, MB

2012 - 2020
  • Successfully developed and launched a diverse array of mobile applications, spanning health and educational sectors, utilizing React Native and ReduxJS. Employed Ruby on Rails as the API server, ensuring seamless integration and robust functionality.
  • Demonstrated versatility by creating and deploying a multitude of web applications employing various technologies, including ReactJS for single-page applications (SPA), Ruby on Rails, WordPress, PHP, and MeteorJS. This diverse skill set facilitated the delivery of tailored solutions across different platforms.
  • Contributed to the gaming industry by participating in the development of two cross-platform games using Unity3d and C#, showcasing adaptability and proficiency in game development technologies.

Software Developer

Victoire Multimedia, Redwood City, CA

2008 - 2012
  • Participated in collaborative efforts within a team dedicated to the development of ecommerce websites using Magento, contributing to the successful creation and enhancement of online retail platforms

Software Developer


2006 - 2008
  • Engaged in the development of small-scale websites, leveraging PHP and Javascript to create dynamic and responsive web solutions

Education and Professional Development

Refactoring Rails
Ben Orenstein (, 2022
Hotwire for Rails Developers
The Pragmatic Studio (, 2021
Ruby on Rails
The Pragmatic Studio (, 2021
Don Bosco Technical College, Manila
B.Sc IT, 2006